Thursday, April 29, 2010

Diagnosis Down Syndrome - How to Handle the News That Your Baby Has DS By Inez Calender

If you are interested in reading about the condition known as Down syndrome, by now, you have probably read the definitions and history of Langdon Down's identification of the syndrome. You have probably read medial articles that explain the symptoms of Down syndrome, both physical and mental. You understand that the genetic condition causes significant developmental delays. You have probably seen pictures of both adults and children with DS.

But no investigation into the topic of Down syndrome is complete without delving into the actual lives of people and families who have been involved with a person who has Down syndrome, or meeting a few people who have the condition themselves. Viewing such folks on television does not count.

If you have a new baby who has been diagnosed with Downs, or have had prenatal testing that indicates that your child has Downs syndrome, do yourself a favor and find out what the condition means in the real world. When you find out what it is really like to live with a child or an adult who has Down syndrome, you will be better able to cope with the reality of the situation.

Clinical and educational information is all well and good, but does not thoroughly inform you.

First, read up on the subject. Read articles written by the parents of children with Down syndrome. Then, contact local organizations that can put you in touch with families affected by Down syndrome. Talk to the parents of children with this developmental disability. It may be very helpful to you to meet a person who actually has Downs syndrome.

Forty years ago, a family who had a new baby or young child with Downs was routinely encouraged to place the child in an institution. Today, prospective parents who receive the diagnosis through prenatal tests are often encouraged to abort the child. Both instances can be viewed as equally inhumane, in that the personhood of the child is not considered.

As medical technology has advanced, and society has advanced toward a more considerate appreciate and acceptance of differences and disabilities, the prospect of aborting a child with Down syndrome seems backward thinking and inhumane.

If you are pregnant and your doctor has suggested prenatal testing, go for it. Even if you are staunchly pro-life, the knowledge that you gain is valuable. Imagine, not having the tests, and suddenly being confronted with such a frightening diagnosis for you new baby. Chances are you would be shocked and confused.

But, if you are prepared ahead of time, you can research al the aspects of Downs syndrome so that you can greet your new baby without prejudice, without worry, or the feat that can be devastating without preparation.
Any child should be welcomed into the world with acceptance and joy. A new baby deserves unconditional love and should not be introduced to the world by anxious, fearful parents.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Are There Cures For Down Syndrome? By Kate Allen

For every disease, we expect to find a corresponding cure and treatment. However, even with the advantage of advanced technology, cure is still not available for many diseases. The cures for Down syndrome are an example of that. Down syndrome, also known as trisomy 21 is a disorder of the chromosome which is caused by the existence of an extra 21st chromosome. This syndrome is named after John Langdon Down who first described this condition back in 1866. In this syndrome, there are abnormalities in the physical and mental structures of a person. A Down syndrome baby or child will look different than a normal kid. Most people who have Down syndrome share the same physical traits:

-They usually have upward slanting eyes.
-The shape of their face is usually rounded.
-Their noses are small and flat
-They have shorter limbs.
-The gap between their big and second toe are usually big.
-They have small mouth with protruding tongue.

The mental developments of these people are also slow, making them susceptible to learning disabilities. They are also at risk of more serious diseases such as congenital heart disease, gastroesophageal reflux disease, chronic ear infections, sleep apnea and thyroid dysfunctions (which can cause obesity for people with Down syndrome). The reason why there is an abnormality of Chromosome # 21 is still unknown. This is why parents are advised to go for genetic counseling first before deciding to have a baby so that they can reduce the risk of having a Down syndrome baby. Cures for Down syndrome are not found yet.

The only thing we can do to help these people is to reduce the possibility of further complications in their body and to give them the love and support that they deserve. We can help their mental, emotional and social development. In the mental aspect, herbal remedies might help. Studies were conducted and there were positive results in the cognitive performance of children with Down syndrome when they use herbs such as Bacopa Monnieri, Mandukparni, Shankhpushpi, Vacha, Jyotishmati and other Indian herbs. The herbs Tulsi, and Asparagus racemosus can also help in warding off infectious diseases.

A person who has Down syndrome is more prone to viral illnesses. Amalaki is also used to reduce the risk of congenital heart disease. Tapyadi-Loh and Kaishor-Guggulu, on the other hand, can help correct their hearing and vision problems. You can also reduce the erratic behavioral changes of a person with Down syndrome by using a product called MindSoothe. MindSoothe is another herbal remedy that can help balance the mood of a person and can promote happy and peaceful feelings. To help the behavioral symptoms of a person with Down syndrome, this is the right product for them.

It contains the essential herbs St. John's Wort and Passion Flower, which are both beneficial in balancing behavior and soothing nerves and promoting equilibrium in the over all mental condition of a person with Down syndrome. These herbs, although not the cures for Down syndrome, can help in preventing further complications from developing. No matter how minute the help is, the important thing is we are able to help them. In this way, you can reach out to them and let them know that they deserve to live a normal and happy life.

Monday, April 19, 2010

The Mysterious Symptoms of Down Syndrome By Jodi Roberts

The symptoms of Down Syndrome can vary with each different case. There is no way to determine exactly what symptoms your child will have until they actually show up. This syndrome is the number one cause of mental retardation and malformations among infants today. There are actually over 50 symptoms that can determine if your child has this syndrome. The number of the symptoms and the severity of them will differ with each individual child. Though not every child with this condition will have the same symptoms, there are some very common symptoms that you may see on a regular basis.

These symptoms include, but are not limited to: facial features that may seem flattened smaller heads than normal, a tongue that protrudes, ears that are shaped irregularly and eyes that abnormally slant upwards. These are some of the more common symptoms of down syndrome. However, there are others that you may see a lot in children who have this medical condition. They are excessive flexibility, poor muscle tone, relatively short fingers as well as short, broad hands with a single crease in the palm of the hand. These symptoms of Down syndrome may not show as an infant, but will become more apparent as the child grows.

One of the things that you can look for is a slower development than other children around them. For many people, "what are the causes of Down syndrome?" is a question that is often asked. The causes for this syndrome are due to a child being born with an extra chromosome. The average person is born with 46 chromosomes. A person receives 23 chromosomes from the mother and 23 chromosomes from the father. However, every once in a while, a person is born with 47 chromosomes. There are actually 3 different types of cell division that causes down syndrome. These 3 types of division are; Trisomy 21, Translocation Down Syndrome and Mosaic Down Syndrome. Trisomy 21 is the most common type of cell division that can cause Down syndrome. Over 90% of the cases for Down syndrome have this type.

A child with this type of cell division has 3 copies of chromosome 21, instead of the usual 2 copies. Trisomy 21 occurs during the sperm cell development or the egg cell development. Translocation Down Syndrome this type of cell division is an uncommon cause for Down syndrome. This cell division occurs either before or at conception and is caused by part of the chromosome 21 attaching to another chromosome. What this means is that the child will have the normal two copies of chromosomes, but they will have excess material from the chromosome 21 attached to the translocated chromosome.This often results in the symptoms of this medical mystery.

Mosaic Down Syndrome is a very rare. With this type of cell division, the child has some cells with extra chromosome 21. This type of abnormal cell division usually occurs after the fertilization stage. Other than these 3 types of cell division, there are no behavior factors or environmental factors that cause Down syndrome. Depending on the down syndrome facts known by your doctor will determine the right course for treatment. These treatments will vary depending on facts such as the symptoms, the age of the child and the severity of the condition. Knowing the facts and keeping your doctor informed will be the very best thing that you can do for your child with Down syndrome.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Down Syndrome- Tracing it to the Extra DNA By Nilutpal Gogoi

The Down syndrome is also known as trisomy 21 or Down's syndrome. A patient affected by Down syndrome suffers from acute abnormalities in body functioning which arises from the person's abnormal body structure. The root cause of Down syndrome is the 21st chromosome (DNA). This dysfunction can occur due to the presence of just a portion of the chromosome or the entire genetic material.

The Down syndrome symptoms were first documented in detail by the English physician, John Langdon Down, way back in 1866. Hence, it is in his name that the ailment is named. The chromosomal abnormalities insofar as its shape or number is concerned were clearly identified in the 1950s following the discovery of the special karyotype methods. It was in 1959 that the cause of Down syndrome was traced to the presence of the extra DNA. But it was only in the 21st century that the chromosome was labeled and the condition termed as trisomy 21. Thus we see that the medical detectives and researchers were unable to pin down the exact cause of Down syndrome till the 20th century.

The Down syndrome was found to affect people in all the races. What is more, the Down syndrome was found to attack the women in their advanced years. Another significant aspect of Down syndrome that attracted the attention of the researchers was the rarity of its recurrence.
Till the middle part of the last century, the common medical perception on Down syndrome was that it takes place due to several aspects that were basically inherited. Even then the intensive searches for these factors were eluding results. The fact that the Down syndrome was particularly noticed among the mothers after they reach an advanced stage led a school of medical thought to trace the cause of the dysfunction to some shock(s) undergone by the expecting mother.

The commonly reported symptoms of Down syndrome are a facial layout that remains as it was during that person's birth, and total impairment in the development of that person's physical appearance.

Besides, the Down syndrome affected child fails to have the learning capability, and have retardation besides below par cognitive aptitude. His/her social and emotional abilities are largely dependent on the mental retardation of the child affected by Down syndrome. The child's mild IQ ranges from 50 to 70 while the moderate IQ ranges from 35 to 50. Those affected by Mosaic Down syndrome have IQ range that may go up by 10-30 points higher.

The Down syndrome kids can also develop serious health problems like thyroid dysfunctions, sleep apnea (obstructive), recurring ear infections, gastroesophageal (reflux) disease, and heart defects that are congenital in nature.

Mentionably, there are instances of people possessing the usual sets of DNA also suffering from the Down syndrome symptoms. The signs are enlarged tongue, speech impairment, shorter limbs, almond (shaped) eyes, and a single crease across one or both palms (simian crease). Depending on the child's disability in the cognitive sphere.

It is of necessity that kids affected with Down syndrome are provided immediate medical attention. Despite the fact that many Down syndrome dysfunctions stays on for life, yet the patient can be taught to adjust with the prevailing physical conditions. For this, the parents or guardians of any child must always be attentive about any such abnormalities in their children. If any such signs are noticed, the physician must be immediately consulted, and the required medical screenings carried out. The initial tests pertain to the thyroid among others. The growing child can be provided vocational training The foremost thing to remember that Down syndrome patients require a homely environment to recuperate whatever he/she can.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Myth About Down Syndrome That Everyone Should Know

Down Syndrome is a genetic chromosomal syndrome affecting physical features and causing mental retardation. Down Syndrome is caused by having an extra third copy of chromosome 21. Down Syndrome can be diagnosed prenatally in the womb during pregnancy using several different tests including ultrasound, amniocentesis and CVS.

Diagnosis after birth can usually be done from examining the baby’s physical and facial features such as:

  • Flattened face
  • Snub nose
  • Flattened nasal bridge
  • Upward slanting eyes
  • Short neck
  • Enlarged and protruding tongue
  • Abnormally shaped ears
  • Short stubby hands
  • Short stubby feet
  • Infant not crying much

    Below are some of the major myths about Down Syndrome. Each myth is debunked with the truth concerning one specific aspect of Down Syndrome.

    Myth: Down Syndrome is a rare genetic disorder.
    Truth: One in every 800 to 1,000 birth is a child with Down Syndrome condition. This figures represents approximately 5,000 births per year.

    Myth: Most children with Down Syndrome are born to older parents.
    Truth: 80% of children with Down Syndrome are born to women under 35 years of age. However, as the age of the parents increases, so does the incidence of births of children with Down Syndrome condition.

    Myth: Children with Down Syndrome are severely retarded.
    Truth: Children with Down Syndrome have an I.Q that falls between the mild to moderately retarded range. Children with Down Syndrome can be educated. However, educators and researchers have not been able to verify and document the full educational potential of Down Syndrome children.

    Myth: Most people with Down Syndrome are institutionalized.
    Truth: In recent years, Down Syndrome children are seen in the public together with the families, going about their educational, social and recreational activities. Some adults with Down Syndrome have also seen to work in café and fast food chains.

    Myth: Adult with Syndrome are unemployable.
    Truth: As society’s acceptance and understanding towards adults with Down Syndrome children increases, businesses around the world are employing young adults with Down Syndrome for a variety of positions.

    Myth: Adults with Down Syndrome are unable to form close interpersonal relationship leading to marriage.
    Truth: Many adults with Down Syndrome are able to socialize and form ongoing relationship such as courtship and marriage. Althought women with Down Syndrome can have children, but the chances of getting a Down Syndrome child is 50%.

    Myth: People with Down Syndrome condition can never be cured.
    Truth: As the medical research advances, it was identified that the gene on chromosome 21 is responsible for Down Syndrome. Scientists believe that there is a possibility in the future to improve, correct and prevent the varies problems related to Down Syndrome.