Friday, July 30, 2010

Diagnosis Down Syndrome - How to Handle the News That Your Baby Has DS By Inez Calender

If you are interested in reading about the condition known as Down syndrome, by now, you have probably read the definitions and history of Langdon Down's identification of the syndrome. You have probably read medial articles that explain the symptoms of Down syndrome, both physical and mental. You understand that the genetic condition causes significant developmental delays. You have probably seen pictures of both adults and children with DS.

But no investigation into the topic of Down syndrome is complete without delving into the actual lives of people and families who have been involved with a person who has Down syndrome, or meeting a few people who have the condition themselves. Viewing such folks on television does not count.

If you have a new baby who has been diagnosed with Downs, or have had prenatal testing that indicates that your child has Downs syndrome, do yourself a favor and find out what the condition means in the real world. When you find out what it is really like to live with a child or an adult who has Down syndrome, you will be better able to cope with the reality of the situation.

Clinical and educational information is all well and good, but does not thoroughly inform you.

First, read up on the subject. Read articles written by the parents of children with Down syndrome. Then, contact local organizations that can put you in touch with families affected by Down syndrome. Talk to the parents of children with this developmental disability. It may be very helpful to you to meet a person who actually has Downs syndrome.

Forty years ago, a family who had a new baby or young child with Downs was routinely encouraged to place the child in an institution. Today, prospective parents who receive the diagnosis through prenatal tests are often encouraged to abort the child. Both instances can be viewed as equally inhumane, in that the personhood of the child is not considered.

As medical technology has advanced, and society has advanced toward a more considerate appreciate and acceptance of differences and disabilities, the prospect of aborting a child with Down syndrome seems backward thinking and inhumane.

If you are pregnant and your doctor has suggested prenatal testing, go for it. Even if you are staunchly pro-life, the knowledge that you gain is valuable. Imagine, not having the tests, and suddenly being confronted with such a frightening diagnosis for you new baby. Chances are you would be shocked and confused.

But, if you are prepared ahead of time, you can research al the aspects of Downs syndrome so that you can greet your new baby without prejudice, without worry, or the feat that can be devastating without preparation.
Any child should be welcomed into the world with acceptance and joy. A new baby deserves unconditional love and should not be introduced to the world by anxious, fearful parents.

In this life, we are all flawed. A child with Down syndrome is first a child, everything else is secondary.

In any event, information will make life easier for you and your child. is an article by a mother who had a child with Down syndrome 37 years ago. She tells how her life has benefited from living with her daughter and relates the positive aspects of dealing with a child with a developmental disability. is an article that suggests ways to help your child with Downs syndrome lead a healthy and fulfilling life.

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Sunday, July 25, 2010

Learning About the Down Syndrome Disability By Mike Selvon

Down syndrome is the most common developmental disability in the US. A Down syndrome baby is noticeable by the small ears, small head, small eyes, slightly upturned nose, flat facial features and round head. They will require more time developing, learning to breast feed, rolling over, walking, talking and dressing themselves. However, parents of babies with Down syndrome often say, if given the choice, they wouldn't change a thing and that raising their unique child was one of the greatest things they could have done with their lives.

When learning about Down syndrome, you will discover there is a build-up of additional genetic material on the 21st chromosome. Doctors aren't 100% sure what causes this abnormality, but they do know that parental age increases the risk. Eighty percent of Down syndrome babies are born to parents under 35, which is probably because more people in that age bracket are having children.

Statistically speaking, a 25-year-old woman has a 1/3,000 chance of having a baby with Down syndrome, while a 35-year-old-woman has 1/365 odds of having a Down syndrome baby. By 45 years of age, her baby has a 1/30 chance of having downs! It is very rarely passed down genetically and it is estimated that only 3-4% of all downs cases are caused from inherited translocation of genetic material, while the rest appear to be caused by random, abnormal chromosomal activity.

There are some common medical conditions that people with this chromosomal disorder may face. Half of Down syndrome babies are born with heart defects and increased susceptibility to illnesses. Often, they are born with a hearing impairment or poor vision, and will likely encounter a speech impediment, sleep apnea or chronic ear infections later down the road. As a parent, you'll need to find a trusted, specialized, medical practitioner. You may find local resources through the National Down Syndrome Society at "Ndss".

A support net is waiting for you; one mouse-click away. You can meet with other parents who have already gone through raising a child with Down syndrome. You can learn coping and teaching techniques or find an inspirational book that fills your heart with joy. Your life will be forever changed when any baby enters your life and you find that love can help you overcome anything. By participating in one of the many local community programs, you'll find greater strength.

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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Alternative Treatment For Down Syndrome By Zach Smith

Down syndrome is one of the leading causes of mental retardation in infants. It does not only cause mental disabilities but physical malformation is also evident. Treatment for Down syndrome has been utilized over the years but with the advent of new and advanced therapies, new treatments were introduced.

Down syndrome develops when there are abnormal chromosomes in a person's body. Chromosomes transport genetic information to our cells. These chromosomes are the determinants in a person's appearance and functions.

Normally, the cells carry 2 sets of twenty-three chromosomes from each parent. This totals to forty-six chromosomes. For people with Down syndrome, one chromosome pair is damaged.

The cause of Down syndrome is due to the damage of chromosome #21. This chromosome can also take damage during the process of cell replication. The damage can also be done when the normal chromosome of the parents suddenly breaks into two. Either way, the result is Down syndrome.

Usually, babies are easily diagnosed with this condition because they manifest physical characteristics associated with Down syndrome. These physical characteristics include: flat figure of the face, small head, low-set or flat-bridged nose, small mouth with an unusually large tongue, eyes slanting upwards, round cheeks, small ears, wide hands, subnormal height, and malformed fifth finger.

As they get older, they manifest behavioral symptoms such as being withdrawn and unusually quiet. They also tend to be passive, unresponsive and weak.

There is actually no cure for this condition. However, the treatment for Down syndrome symptoms can be used.

Most people suffering from Down syndrome are visual and hearing impaired. To help them with this condition, they can use eyeglasses and hearing aids.

There are also special schools for children with Down syndrome. This can improve their behavior immensely by helping them socialize with other children. This is where they learn their self-worth and learn the values that are most important in living a good life.

There are also other herbal remedies that can ease tantrums and erratic behavior changes manifested by children with Down syndrome.

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